Enrolling In Your Job Training Program – GradPlan


Enrolling In Your Job Training Program

Prepare for day one of your program

Congratulations, you landed a position in a job training program!

Now what?

Each job training program has different steps needed to enroll. Carefully read all communication from the program and follow instructions carefully. If instructions are ever unclear, reach out to your program contact right away so that you don’t miss any deadlines.

Here are common enrollment steps:

Get your textbooks 

Yes, job training programs may require text books! And, if you’re looking to save money on text books, check out how you can get free text books here.

Get your tools 

Because you’re learning a specific skill, you might need a specific set of tools or supplies that empower you to do it. Find out what you need before day one and get those items.

Get your uniform 

Most job training programs will have some kind of dress code, or uniform. It is typically the responsibility of the trainee to get the uniform or attire they need for the program.

NOTE: If you have any trouble acquiring your textbooks, tools or uniform (for whatever reason – cost, sold out, etc.) ask your program contact for help or advice as soon as possible.

What else?

You may need to complete a physical 

Some programs require you to have a physical exam with your doctor or local healthcare provider. Call your provider to make an appointment.

You might need to complete pre-training courses 

Some training programs require that students complete specific courses or activities before beginning. For example, getting CPR trained, taking a math or reading test, or completing an online training module may be required.

Understand what is okay to post on social media 

This is your journey and you should celebrate it, however, many programs have rules about what you can and can’t post on social media about your program. Be sure you understand your program’s rules, and ask questions if you’re uncertain. You can be fired or be removed from your program if you post about your company or role without their permission.

NOTE: If you don’t understand any pre-training requirements, be sure to ask your program contact for support. It is your responsibility to complete all pre-program steps.

Go Be It

You’re all set with what you need to know in order to thrive and have success in your job training program. Now it’s time to take this information and get yourself ready. This is your moment, don’t be afraid of the unknown, you can handle it, and always remember…

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Job Training Programs

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."

Malcolm X, human rights activist